Crossing the border…

I’ve been invited to a wedding. My cousin (also named Peter) is getting hitched, so I’m making the trek to the state of New York to witness him take the plunge. He’s found himself a keeper so despite my history with marriage, I do wish him and his lovely bride all the best.

Now, my family can be a bit finicky… meaning that not everyone likes everyone all the time. There are a few that don’t like me very much at the moment, so to prevent my cousin’s big day from turning into Wrestlemania, I’ve promised to stay away from what is likely going to be a free bar. Doesn’t seem fair, but I might sneak a small glass of champagne if I can. No hard stuff…

You guys know me… I’m about keeping the peace and all that malarkey. If laying off the sauce for one night makes the day much more enjoyable for everyone else… I’m willing to take the hit. My brother insisted because if I didn’t he would likely spend the whole night worrying, and that’s not fair to him either. Since he’s my ride, seemed only fair to accept his terms since the alternative was being left behind. Despite the fact that not a single wedding has ever turned into Wrestlemania, precautions will be made to make sure the first doesn’t occur. I still plan to have fun but if this wedding quickly turns into a snooze fest… I have episodes of Hannibal and Grimm on my phone.

So that’s going to be my weekend. Worst case, I’ll at least be able to hit Taco Bell for a Cool Ranch Dorito taco, do a little cross border shopping and get some booze at the duty free on the way back. I’m also going to hit some stores (Maybe Target or Toys R Us) and look for some rare Skylanders for Ethan. It’s been a while since we did any cross border shopping so I have that to look forward to.

I’ll post all the bloody details of the affair when I am safely back on my own side of the border. Until then everyone, have a bitchin’ weekend!


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